Well, we had a really fun night! Hubby took Moo out for her first real trick-or-treat experience and he was a better sport about it than I thought he would be. He even dressed up! Moo was Barbie and even got to wear some of Mommy's real make-up. Toots was a pink kitty cat - very cute and picked out by Moo. Toots was only two weeks old so she didn't go out with Moo and Daddy, but she and I hung out in the house while Grammy passed out candy to all the neighborhood kids. All in all, it was a nice night. Oh, did I mention Moo got such a good haul that she had to stop at the house to dump her first load of candy before she could finish? And that I got to make a Halloween treat for myself? A Bloody Boozy (really just a strawberry margarita) but it was the first drink I have had in the last almost 2 years!!!! So Mommy, Daddy, Moo and Toots all had a great Halloween!