For the Farmgirl at heart

Everything farmgirl, vintage, handmade, homemade, fabulous and fun!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


When the temps are in the hundreds outside and your little ones get tired of the same old thing day in and day out, try something new. Not too long ago I bought some plastic canvas and a big blunt needle for Moo. I knotted a piece of scrap yarn, stuck it through one of the holes and showed her how to weave it in and out of the little holes. She was fascinated! She calls it her "embroideries" and she will sit for quite a while with it. She'll weave until there is no yarn left, then bring it to me to unravel. Then she starts again. She gets really excited when she accidentally makes a shape and LOVES to show off her work to whomever stops by. So for about $0.50 you can get hours and hours of entertainment, that actually will teach your kids a lot. Moo is learning the VERY basics of sewing, persistence, patience and the excitement and pride that comes with making something with your own two hands. She is not usually one to sit still for very long, so just getting her to stay in one spot for more than 2 minutes is a major milestone!

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