For the Farmgirl at heart

Everything farmgirl, vintage, handmade, homemade, fabulous and fun!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Saturday Night Live Fans Unite!

Am I the only one who is stoked to see this hit the shelves this holiday season?!?!  It seems I am.  There is a huge controversy around this ice cream and the choice by Ben & Jerry's to sell a flavor with such a cheeky name.  Frankly, if you're old enough to read this and understand the double meaning, you've already been corrupted and should not find this offensive.  Some people are arguing that it's wrong to let children see this.  What?  There isn't a gross picture on it or anything.  And like I said, if you're old enough to read this, you've heard WAY worse things than this at school.  Not to mention the fact that it is hidden in the massive wall of Ben & Jerry's flavors in the supermarket.  If you are standing in the ice cream isle long enough for your child to read all the names of the ice cream flavors Ben & Jerry's makes, you are spending WAY too much time buying ice cream.  Not to mention the fact that if you are concerned that your child would "get" it, doesn't that mean that your kid has already been exposed to vulgar humor?  I mean, it doesn't say Sweaty it says Schweddy.  If I told my child what this said, without giving her the meaning behind it, she wouldn't get it.  She would ask "What is a Schweddy Ball?"  Then she would ask if she could have ice cream.  Point being she wouldn't get the joke.  If your kid gets the joke, they don't need protection from this ice cream.  Maybe you protesters should think about that.  

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