Happy Halloween from Moo and Toots! |
Well this month has just been crazy! With Toots turning one, making homemade costumes for two little trick or treaters plus Mommy and Daddy, out of town visitors staying in the guest room for a week and volunteering at school for a field trip to the pumpkin patch and the Halloween parade and party I haven't had any time to do anything NOT related to those activities! I promise to come back here and post about the costumes and trick or treat bags (both homemade), Toots and her party (very cute vintage circus parade themed) and all the rest just as soon as I slip into a coma for about 3 days. I feel like that's what I need right now! And then it all begins again with that magical and dreaded month - November! I love November, it means the start of my favorite time of year, Thanksgiving, family get togethers, Christmas decorations come next, with holiday gift making/shopping and all of that. Then is New Years and my Anniversary. Yup, got hitched on the day after the whole world parties. I like to think they are all celebrating my anniversary. That's not self-centered, is it? And though I love the start of this season, it also is something that I kind of dread. It means lots of extra cooking, cleaning, rushing to finish knitting last minute hats, sew last minute mermaid dolls for stockings and trying to figure out what to get for Moo's teacher, the neighbors and all those other people you feel like you want to give something too, but have no idea WHAT that should be. A little stressful, but fun at the same time. So stay tuned in the coming weeks for updates and ideas for gifts to make for family and friends, crafts to do with the kids and delicious food that only comes out at the holidays! Be back soon!
Oh and tonight is Halloween, so stay safe if you are going trick or treating! And don't eat too much candy! Well, TRY not too eat too much candy, if you can. Who am I kidding? I'm going to go to town on that stash once we get home! Come on, the baby can't eat her share! I'm going to have to take one for the team and force myself to eat her haul. It will be hard, but I'll do it. For the good of the family, of course.
Happy Halloween and have a great time with your 2 sweet goblins!