Please don't forget to pack your shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child! Collection week is coming up, beginning November 14th!!!! That's REALLY soon! So get out there, pack a box for a little boy or girl and bring a smile to a child this Christmas.
We love the Veggie Tales series of books and movies designed to teach children basic Bible stories and morals in a fun way. That's where we first heard about Operation Christmas Child. We loved the idea of packing a box of love for a kid halfway around the world who had never gotten a gift before, who had never held a book before and who thought that nobody cared about them. So we started packing shoeboxes! Last year was our first year and we sent two boxes - one for each of my little kiddos. This year, we are sending FOUR! I don't know how, but I ended up with a lot of stuff! Enough for four boxes with some left over to save for next year. I would send more boxes, but there is also a recommended donation per box to help cover the cost of shipping the boxes. It is all tax deductible, but I can't afford to spend a ton of money on shipping right now! So anyway, four boxes it is!
If you would like to get involved with Samaritan's Purse and Operation Christmas Child (and I would encourage you to do so) click on the link HERE to go right to the Operation Christmas Child page to get started! I'll post some photos later today if we get all the boxes packed, or tomorrow if it takes us until then to finish them up. Moo is going to draw some pictures to include in each box and I'm going to write a little note to tuck in as well. This really is a great thing to do with your family, especially right now since it's getting close to Thanksgiving. We use this time to talk about how lucky we are and that some kids aren't as lucky. Some don't have families to look after them, some have families but don't have enough money to even buy enough to eat. We go shopping (even just to the dollar store or Walmart) to pick out needed items (soap, toothpaste, socks) and fun stuff (hair clips, coloring books, bracelets). Then we come home and pack the boxes, talking about how much fun the kid will have when they open the box. It's a great way to show your kids that giving can be just as fun as getting.
Ok, enough chit chat! I'm off to back boxes, teach Moo and Toots about giving and the spirit of Christmas and about being thankful for all that we have! I love this time of year!
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